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Winter Solstice Beer Mile

Last year was our inaugural Winter Solstice Beer Mile. It was incredible, entrants totted it as faster than our January beer mile event! Winter Solstice is the shortest day, longest night and symbolises rebirth, fire and renewal. So what better why to renewed than by a beer mile or one mile (without beer).

The beer mile is a 4 lap, 4 beer challenge, starting with a beer chug, then run and repeat 3 more times! The fastest time in the world is 4:28 for men and 6:08 for women, how do think you'll go? From past ABMs we average around 10 minutes. 

This one is less formal than our January event, simply having a beer mile and mile (as race director and vollies pretty keen to give it a crack too!). We do welcome variations, such as cider, milk (yuk), vodka, bubbles etc. Official times published for per rules. Bring beers, tucker, ya mates and lets have some beery fun! We will hit the pub after so stay tuned for more details close to the event.

NB Numbered bibs only.